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Interface GatewayActivity


  • GatewayActivity



application_id?: string

Application id for the game

assets?: Partial<Record<"large_image" | "large_text" | "small_image" | "small_text", string>>
buttons?: string[] | GatewayActivityButton[]

The custom buttons shown in the Rich Presence (max 2)

created_at: number

Unix timestamp of when the activity was added to the user's session

details?: null | string

What the player is currently doing

id: string

The activity's id

instance?: boolean

Whether or not the activity is an instanced game session

name: string

The activity's name

Information for the current party of the player

platform?: ActivityPlatform
secrets?: Partial<Record<"join" | "spectate" | "match", string>>
session_id?: string
state?: null | string

The user's current party status

sync_id?: string

Unix timestamps for start and/or end of the game

url?: null | string

Stream url, is validated when type is 1

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