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Interface APIVoiceChannel




bitrate?: number

The bitrate (in bits) of the voice channel

flags?: Pinned
guild_id?: string

The id of the guild (may be missing for some channel objects received over gateway guild dispatches)

id: string

The id of the channel

name?: string

The name of the channel (2-100 characters)

nsfw?: boolean

Whether the channel is nsfw

parent_id?: null | string

ID of the parent category for a channel (each parent category can contain up to 50 channels)


ID of the parent channel for a thread

permission_overwrites?: APIOverwrite[]

Explicit permission overwrites for members and roles

position?: number

Sorting position of the channel

rtc_region?: null | string

Voice region id for the voice or stage channel, automatic when set to null

user_limit?: number

The user limit of the voice channel

video_quality_mode?: VideoQualityMode

The camera video quality mode of the voice channel, 1 when not present

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