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Interface APITemplateSerializedSourceGuild




afk_channel_id?: null | string | number

ID for afk channel

afk_timeout?: number

AFK timeout in seconds

New guild's channels

When using the channels parameter, the position field is ignored, and none of the default channels are created.

When using the channels parameter, the id field within each channel object may be set to an integer placeholder, and will be replaced by the API upon consumption. Its purpose is to allow you to create GUILD_CATEGORY channels by setting the parent_id field on any children to the category's id field. Category channels must be listed before any children.

See https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object

default_message_notifications?: GuildDefaultMessageNotifications
description: null | string
explicit_content_filter?: GuildExplicitContentFilter
icon_hash: null | string
name: string

Name of the guild (2-100 characters)

preferred_locale: string
premium_progress_bar_enabled?: boolean

Whether the boosts progress bar should be enabled.

region?: string

New guild roles

When using this parameter, the first member of the array is used to change properties of the guild's @everyone role. If you are trying to bootstrap a guild with additional roles, keep this in mind.

When using this parameter, the required id field within each role object is an integer placeholder, and will be replaced by the API upon consumption. Its purpose is to allow you to overwrite a role's permissions in a channel when also passing in channels with the channels array.

See https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/permissions#role-object

system_channel_flags?: Types.GuildSystemChannelFlags
system_channel_id?: null | string | number

The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted

verification_level?: GuildVerificationLevel

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