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Interface APIApplication


  • APIApplication



bot_public: boolean

When false only app owner can join the app's bot to guilds

bot_require_code_grant: boolean

When true the app's bot will only join upon completion of the full oauth2 code grant flow

cover_image?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the hash of the image on store embeds

custom_install_url?: string

The application's default custom authorization link, if enabled

description: string

The description of the app

guild_id?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the guild to which it has been linked

icon: null | string

The icon hash of the app

id: string

The id of the app

Settings for the application's default in-app authorization link, if enabled

name: string

The name of the app

owner?: APIUser

Partial user object containing info on the owner of the application

primary_sku_id?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the id of the "Game SKU" that is created, if exists

privacy_policy_url?: string

The url of the application's privacy policy

rpc_origins?: string[]

An array of rpc origin urls, if rpc is enabled

slug?: string

If this application is a game sold on Discord, this field will be the URL slug that links to the store page

tags?: [string, string?, string?, string?, string?]

Up to 5 tags describing the content and functionality of the application

team: null | APITeam
terms_of_service_url?: string

The url of the application's terms of service

verify_key: string

The hexadecimal encoded key for verification in interactions and the GameSDK's GetTicket function

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